About Me


I am formally trained in Physics and Applied Mathematics.

I have a particular interest in problems whose solutions can make a meaningful contribution.

While problems may originate from a particular discipline, they do cross multiple disciplines. Thus, currently, my main professional interests are combinations of Data Science, Machine Learning, Physics and Applied Mathematics.

Teaching is a source of clarity to my thinking and also brings me immense joy.

For more details about my background and working experience, you can see more about me.

You are welcome to contact me.

About LWL

Learn While Live (LWL) is my personal website to share some of my ideas, thoughts, lessons, projects and interests.

The name is inspired by an esteemed and wise teacher of mine who once said, in free translation:

“Learning is a unilateral act of will on the part of the learner. Man is an unfinished being who learns as long as he lives and lives as long as he learns. Cultivate yourself. Be curious. Have a critical spirit. Question, doubt, ask. Travel, both in the real world and virtually. And, no matter how much you read, learn, and know, follow the great Socrates in saying: ‘I only know that I know nothing’.” (Genuino Sales)

I believe that the acronym LWL encapsulates this message in a symmetrical manner, serving as a reminder that Learning and Living are equally important - interdependent - and they should be balanced throughout one’s life. That we should learn from what we have lived and also live from what we have learned.